MaxTo allows you to change where your configuration files are stored.

Advanced topic

This functionality is not exposed in the user interface, because it could be confusing to some users. It involves editing text files.

On startup, MaxTo will look for a

config.location to determine where it will store its configuration. It will look for this file in the following folders, in this order, and use the first file it finds:

  1. %AppData%\MaxTo.

  2. Next to the .exe file.

  3. %LocalAppData%\MaxTo (which is where MaxTo is installed by default).

If MaxTo cannot find that file in any of those locations, it will use

%AppData%\MaxTo as the default settings location.

Store your settings in Dropbox by putting

%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox in your

Use folder paths


config.location file should be a text file and only contain the path to the folder where MaxTo should store its settings. This means you should not use the path to a file in that folder (e.g.
). You can use environment variables here, so
is perfectly valid.

Note that MaxTo's settings are designed to be roamed, and putting your configuration in a Dropbox, OneDrive or Nextcloud folder should work well.

If you want to use MaxTo as a portable application, you can enter only

.\settings in this file, and MaxTo will store the configuration in the settings subdirectory next to the executable.